Citi’s Home Loan Eligibility Calculator helps you calculate indicative mortgage loan eligibility, basis data shared by you regarding your gross monthly income, monthly EMI, down payment amount, interest rate and tenue of the mortgage loan you are looking for.
Please enter your income details
Gross Monthly Income*
Rental Income
Other Income
Any other Mortgage Loan
Personal Loan
Loan on Credit Card
Auto Loan
Outstanding Amount on Credit Card
Any other Loan
Choose the Interest Rate for your new Home Loan
How much Downpayment can you afford to pay upfront?
Select the Tenure for your new Home Loan
The eligibility criteria for home loans are calculated by taking into consideration various factors such as monthly income from all sources, monthly obligations if any, demographic details, credit profile, and regulatory guidelines, among others.
To calculate the eligibility criteria for a home loan, you can use the Citibank Home Loan Eligibility Calculator.
You can increase your home loan amount eligibility by adding a co-borrower, choosing a longer loan repayment tenure, or stating additional sources of income.
When applying for a home loan, it is helpful to be able to calculate your loan eligibility as that helps one better plan the home purchase budget.
Home Loan eligibility takes into consideration various factors such as monthly income from all sources, monthly obligations if any, demographic details, credit profile and regulatory guidelines, among others. The Mortgage eligibility calculator helps you to estimate the quantum of the loan that you are eligible for basis information provided by you.
Some examples of how these factors can influence your eligibility are:
(i) Your age and retirement age will determine the tenure of the loan, which in turn will determine the quantum of your EMI.
(ii) Gross Monthly income, rental or other income and monthly obligations will determine the surplus funds at your disposal which may be used to pay your EMIs.
(iii) Credit history and credit score will help the bank understand your repayment history and creditworthiness and affects your eligibility.
Citi’s home loan eligibility calculator can help you calculate your indicative housing loan eligibility based on the inputs and assumptions provided by you.
Step 1: Please enter your income details
Step 2: Please enter your monthly EMI details
Step 3: Choose the interest rate of your new home loan
Step 4: Specify how much down payment you are prepared to make upfront
Step 5: Select the tenure you want for your new Home Loan
With these 5 simple inputs, you can calculate your indicative home loan eligibility.
Results generated by the calculator are indicative in nature. The Calculator is not intended to provide its user with results that are either certified by the Bank or are an obligation, assurance, warranty, undertaking or commitment of the Bank, under any circumstances. The Calculator is only a tool that assists the user arrive at results of various illustrative scenarios generated from data input by the user. The Bank is not responsible for any reason, for any errors in any outcome resulting from the use of calculator. The use of the calculator is entirely at the risks of the user. Results from the use of the calculator are not intended to be a substitute for financial statements and certificates and/or professional advice.