Spot and Stop Fraud

Why you need to be aware of online fraud?

Why you need to be aware of online fraud?

Protect yourself by catching fraud before it strikes. With education and tips on how to spot fraud, you can protect yourself and the ones you love.

Email Fraud

Several signs can help you determine if an email is legitimate or a spoof. Learn how to recognize and protect yourself from fraudulent emails.

  • What is a spoof?

    Spoof emails (also know as phishing or hoax emails) appear to be from well know companies. To bait you, an email may say ther's an urgent situation concerning your account, then ask you to click a link back to a spoof website to provide personal information.

    Even if you don't supply any information, just selecting the link, may enable thieves to access your computer, record your keystrokes, and capture your passwords.

    Also, beware of spoof web forms that ask you to provide confidential information that a legitimate company would not ask the customer to enter for a particular transaction.

  • How to spot a spoof?

    Sense of urgency - Messages claim your account will be closed or temporarily suspended, and warn you'll be charged if you don't respond urgently.

    Spelling errors - There may be obvious spelling errors, which help spoof emails avoid spam filters.

  • How to protect yourself?

    Go there directly - The best way to get to any site is to type its address (URL) into your browser and then bookmark it.

    Segregate Email Accounts - Create separate email accounts for personal and official activities. It is recommended to select email id with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate for Bank related communication. (URL should start with https:// and NOT http://).

Debit Card Fraud

Common types of debit card fraud include:

  • Card duplication which allows for most types of unauthorized purchases
  • Unauthorized purchases over the internet, phone or mail resulting from a lost or stolen card
  • Identify theft which can often result in new accounts opened fraudulently

How to protect yourself:

Below are some precautions you can take to safeguard yourself and avoid becoming a victim of debit card fraud:

  • Don't let your Debit Card out of your sight during a point-of-sale transaction
  • Always take your Debit Card with you at the end of a transaction
  • Review your statements online frequently. Check for suspicious transactions and report them immediately
  • Report lost or stolen cards immediately
  • Keep your mobile no. & email address updated in the Bank’s records as CitiAlerts gets delivered on your mobile number